Our Companies

Companies We Own or Control
Richter AG is the flagship entity of our family business and serves as the face of our agricultural operations. As the main farming entity, Richter AG focuses on cultivating rice and row crops, with a strong focus on innovation and on participating in strategic business ventures that enhance our local farm community. The name “Richter AG” plays on the dual meanings of “AG” as both the German abbreviation for “Aktiengesellschaft” (corporation) and the abbreviation for Agriculture. When naming ourselves it was a creative way to honor our heritage.

Companies We Have Significant Interest In
Founded in 2000, Ridgetop Warehouse is a 1.2 million hundredweight capacity rice drying and storage facility. This venture was established in collaboration with seven other progressive growers to serve both our own needs and as a public warehouse. Ridgetop Warehouse represents a key aspect of vertical integration for the Richter family, enhancing our ability to manage and store our rice efficiently.